How do I get rid of toxins in my body?

Toxins that remain in the body are known to be a contributing factor in many if not all of the chronic and degenerative diseases of today. Most people have the misconception that the best way to get rid of toxins is by sweating. Yes, sweating does eliminate toxins, but only 20%. What most people don’t realize is 70% of detoxification comes through the breath. Another 7% comes from the bowels and the last 3% from the bladder. Deep diaphragmatic breathing for 10-20 minutes a day will increase the release of toxins by 50%! This is why exercise is so paramount to health. The body’s natural detoxification process has been diminished due to our lifestyle and environmental pollution. To counter these effects, BioHarmony Rejuvenation Center employs The Vitalizer Pro Foot Spa. This will help jump start your detoxification system and make it much more efficient over time. For more information or if you just have questions, please call and Dr. Bosco will be more than happy to answer all of your questions or concerns.

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